Travelling with mirrorless cameras

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I am surprised to realise that I haven’t been using my DSLR camera for personal/leisure use for over two years now. I have converted to mirrorless when it comes to shooting personally but I still use DSLRs for my professional work with weddings, photo shoots and studio work. Mirrorless cameras have advanced to a point where they are as good as DSLR cameras. Their advantages in size, performance, security, features ,etc have made them to be a popular choice. Check out this post if you want to know more about mirrorless vs DSLR.  We have seen the astonishing image quality that mirrorless camera produces, so there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t drop the DSLR and travel with a mirrorless instead. Mirrorless cameras also offer smaller and lighter lenses and you can basically use any kind of lenses on it (via adapters), especially the classic lenses from Leica, Zeiss or Contax.

 [REWIND – Why travel with a mirrorless camera and not a DSLR]

Wat Arun Sunset, Bangkok

Moon Bar, Bangkok

For the last couple of years. I have only been travelling with my mirrorless camera. I have enjoyed the weight and size reduction. It might not seems much at first but the little bit of extra from the body and the lenses do weight up when you are travelling. Half a kg of saving does become significant after a long day of travel and if you are travelling with a tripod, every bit of saving helps. Consider that the weight you have saved using a mirrorless is about the same as  converting an aluminium tripod to a carbon fibre tripod which cost about $1000, that’s got to be an incentive.

Melbourne Sunset with Star Ferris Wheels in the background, Melbourne

In front of Royal Exhibition building, Melbourne

I have not missed my DSLR since my conversion to mirrorless. I have not fall in a situation where I need my DSLR, more importantly I have learnt to travel light with the right lens choices.  Your shooting style will dictate the lenses you need and for me I only travel will a Fujifilm 18-55mm lens and a Nikon 50mm f.1.8. The 18-55mm is my general purpose lens while the 50mm f/1.8 acts as a portrait lens and a low light lens. I don’t normally shoot very wide, but when I do I just use my iPhone in Panorama mode. This two lenses and one body setup is extremely travel friendly and gets me all my shots.

Hong Kong night view from Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tai O, Hong Kong

If you are looking for the best mirrorless cameras, here are my recommendations –

Fujifilm X-M1 | Fujifilm X-E2 | Fujifilm X-T1 | Olympus E-M10 | Olympus E-M5 | Olympus E-M1 | Sony a5000 | Sony a6000 | Sony a7 II

Lake Wakatipu of Queenstown, New Zealand

Lake Tekapo, New Zealand

Mount Cook, New Zealand

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